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White Tip Reef Sharks
Black Tip Reef Sharks
Bull Sharks
Tiger Sharks
Silver Tip Sharks
Tawney Nurse Sharks
Lemon Sharks
Leopard Sharks
Grey Reef Sharks
Great Hammerhead Sharks
Scalloped Hammerhead Sharks
Short Fin Mako Sharks
Silky Sharks
Blue Sharks
Oceanic Whitetip Sharks
Whale Sharks
Bronze Whaler Sharks
Fiji's waters are rich in marine bio-diversity including Fiji Sharks. 17 Fiji Shark species identified to date although it's possible other species enter and depart Fiji waters without recorded sightings. Identified Fiji Shark species include:
Barefoot Shark Encounters is part of the Barefoot Collection Fiji which has been trading for over 10 years in Fiji, it also includes Barefoot Kuata Island Resort and Barefoot Manta Island Resort where Marine Conservation is a key pillar of the Barefoot Collection's culture. Barefoot Sharks Encounters plays an active role in Fiji Shark Conservation part of which includes dispelling the stigma associated with sharks. We do so by providing a face-to-face introductions to Fiji Sharks on our Fiji Shark Dive Day Cruises , Fiji Shark Divesand Fiji Shark Dive Accommodated Packages.

Supporting local Fiji Communities
Barefoot Shark Encounters creates employment opportunities for residents of Fiji's more isolated Yasawa Islands. Proceeds from Fiji Shark Dives are also donated to a nearby local Yasawa Island school.

Globally sharks are disproportionally sensationalized by media, portraying them negatively yet these apex predators play a vital role within marine ecosystems. Sharks help to maintain the delicately balanced ecosystems that keep our oceans healthy.
Top predators help keep prey species healthier by picking off weaker individuals, leaving the stronger ones to breed and therefore improving the gene pool. Smaller and filter-feeding sharks also help keep prey species in check and many shark species are scavengers that keep the ocean cleaner and healthier. The presence of sharks is an indicator of a healthy marine ecosystem, their actions filter down the food chain to the point where coral life improves due to shark habitation.
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